The Buildkite Agent's oidc command allows you to request an Open ID Connect (OIDC) token containing claims about the current pipeline and its job. These tokens can be consumed by AWS and exchanged for an Identity and Access Management (IAM) role with AWS-scoped permissions.

This process uses the following Buildkite plugins to implement OIDC with AWS and your Buildkite pipelines:

Learn more about:

Step 1: Set up an OIDC provider in your AWS account

First, you'll need to set up an IAM OIDC provider in your AWS account.

Learn more about how to do this in the Create an OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity provider in IAM page of the AWS IAM User Guide.

On this page, as part of the Creating and managing an OIDC provider (console) process, specify the following values for the:

  • Provider URL: https://agent.buildkite.com

  • Audience: sts.amazonaws.com

Step 2: Create a new (or update an existing) IAM role to use with your pipelines

Creating new or updating existing IAM roles is conducted through your AWS account.

Learn more about how to do this in the Creating a role using custom trust policies (console) page of the AWS IAM User Guide.

As part of this process:

  1. Choose the Custom trust policy role type.

  2. Copy the following example trust policy in the following JSON code block and paste it into a code editor:

        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Principal": {
                    "Federated": "arn:aws:iam::AWS_ACCOUNT_ID:oidc-provider/agent.buildkite.com"
                "Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity",
                "Condition": {
                    "StringEquals": {
                        "agent.buildkite.com:aud": "sts.amazonaws.com"
                    "StringLike": {
                        "agent.buildkite.com:sub": "organization:ORGANIZATION_SLUG:pipeline:PIPELINE_SLUG:ref:REF:commit:BUILD_COMMIT:step:STEP_KEY"
                    "IpAddress": {
                        "aws:SourceIp": [

    Learn more about creating custom trust policies in Creating IAM policies of the AWS IAM User Guide.

  3. Modify the Principal section of the pasted code snippet accordingly:

    1. Ensure that this is set to Federated, and points to the oidc-provider Amazon Resource Name (ARN) from the Provider URL you configured above (that is, agent.buildkite.com).
    2. Change AWS_ACCOUNT_ID to your actual AWS account ID.
  4. Modify the Condition section of the code snippet accordingly:

    1. Ensure the StringEquals subsection's audience field name has a value that matches the Audience you configured above (that is, sts.amazonaws.com). The audience field name is your provider URL appended by :audagent.buildkite.com:aud.
    2. Ensure the StringLike subsection's subject field name has at least one value that matches the format: organization:ORGANIZATION_SLUG:pipeline:PIPELINE_SLUG:ref:REF:commit:BUILD_COMMIT:step:STEP_KEY, where the constituent fields of this line determine the conditions under which the IAM role is granted in exchange for the OIDC token. The subject field name is your provider URL appended by :subagent.buildkite.com:sub. This value format is equivalent to the subject (sub) claim when requesting for an OIDC token for the current job, and the IAM role is granted when the values specified in these constituent fields have been met. The subject field values in your custom trust policy can be different to those specified by your OIDC token's subject claim value, making your trust policy either more restrictive or permissive. When formulating such a value, the following constituent field's value:

      • ORGANIZATION_SLUG can be obtained:

        • From the end of your Buildkite URL, after accessing Pipelines in the global navigation of your organization in Buildkite.
        • By running the List organizations REST API query to obtain this value from slug in the response. For example:

          curl - X GET "https://api.buildkite.com/v2/organizations" \
            -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
      • PIPELINE_SLUG (optional) can be obtained:

        • From the end of your Buildkite URL, after accessing Pipelines in the global navigation of your organization in Buildkite, then accessing the specific pipeline to be specified in the custom trust policy.
        • By running the List pipelines REST API query to obtain this value from slug in the response from the specific pipeline. For example:

          curl - X GET "https://api.buildkite.com/v2/organizations/{org.slug}/pipelines" \
            -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
      • REF (optional) is usually replaced with refs/heads/main to restrict the IAM role's access to the main branch only, refs/tags/* to restrict the IAM role's access to tagged releases, or a wildcard * if the IAM role can be accessed and used by all branches.

      • BUILD_COMMIT (optional) can be omitted and if so, is usually replaced with a single wildcard * at the end of the line.

      • STEP_KEY (optional) can be omitted and if so, is usually replaced with a single wildcard * at the end of the line.

    Note: When formulating your subject field's value, you can replace any of the constituent field values above with a wildcard * to not set limits on those constituent fields.

    For example, to allow the IAM role to be used for any pipeline in the Buildkite organization example-org, when building on any branch or tag, specify a single subject field value of organization:example-org:*.

    You can also allow this IAM role to be used with other pipelines, branches, commits and steps by specifying multiple comma-separated values for the agent.buildkite.com:sub subject field.

  5. If you have dedicated/static public IP addresses and wish to implement defense in depth against an attacker stealing an OIDC token to access your cloud environment, retain the Condition section's IpAddress subsection, and modify its values (AGENT_PUBLIC_IP_ONE and AGENT_PUBLIC_IP_TWO) with a list of your agent's IP addresses or CIDR range or block.

    Only OIDC token exchange requests (for IAM roles) from Buildkite Agents with these IP addresses will be permitted.

  6. Verify that your custom trust policy is complete. The following example trust policy (noting that AWS_ACCOUNT_ID has not been specified) will only allow the exchange of an agent's OIDC tokens with IAM roles when:

    • the Buildkite organization is example-org
    • the Buildkite pipeline is example-pipeline
    • building on both the main branch and tagged releases
    • on Buildkite Agents whose IP addresses are either or
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Principal": {
                    "Federated": "arn:aws:iam::AWS_ACCOUNT_ID:oidc-provider/agent.buildkite.com"
                "Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity",
                "Condition": {
                    "StringEquals": {
                        "agent.buildkite.com:aud": "sts.amazonaws.com"
                    "StringLike": {
                        "agent.buildkite.com:sub": [
                    "IpAddress": {
                        "aws:SourceIp": [
  7. In the Custom trust policy section, copy your modified custom trust policy, paste it into your IAM role, and complete the next few steps up to specifying the Role name.

  8. Specify an appropriate Role name, for example, example-pipeline-oidc-for-ssm, and complete the remaining steps.

Step 3: Configure your IAM role with AWS actions

Add an inline or managed IAM policy (separate to the custom trust policy configured above) to allow the IAM role to perform any actions your pipeline needs. Learn more about how to do this in Managed policies and inline policies of the AWS IAM User Guide.

Common examples are permissions to read secrets from SSM and push images to ECR, although this would depend on the purpose of your pipeline.

In the following example, we'll allow access to read an SSM Parameter Store key named /pipelines/example-pipeline/oidc-for-ssm/example-deploy-key by attaching the following inline policy:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:ssm:us-east-1:012345678910:parameter/pipelines/example-pipeline/oidc-for-ssm/example-deploy-key"

Step 4: Configure your pipeline to assume the role

Finally, use the two Buildkite plugins to use the IAM role and to pull in the SSM parameter (added above):

Incorporate the following into your pipeline (modifying as required):

  queue: mac-small

 -  label: ":aws: Deploy to Production"
    key: deploy-to-production
    command: echo "Example Deploy Key equals \$EXAMPLE_DEPLOY_KEY"
      AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: us-east-1
      AWS_REGION: us-east-1
      - aws-assume-role-with-web-identity#v1.0.0:
          role-arn: arn:aws:iam::012345678910:role/example-pipeline-oidc-for-ssm
      - aws-ssm#v1.0.0:
            EXAMPLE_DEPLOY_KEY: /pipelines/example-pipeline/oidc-for-ssm/example-deploy-key